Getting Started with Dr. Ashley Hoyt
A brief history of acupuncture is just what the doctor ordered. In the next several weeks, Dr. Ashley Hoyt will share information on several different kinds of acupuncture. Acupuncture is a long-standing treatment for many illnesses ranging from high blood pressure to digestive issues, anxiety to malaise, sore throats to numbness. It’s been around a long time and we have a lot of ground to cover, so let’s get started.
A brief history of Acupuncture in the West
Practitioners in the West have had to overcome the view that since acupuncture is not currently quantified in the same ways as Western medicine, it’s somehow invalid. Unfortunately this is still somewhat prevalent in some modern medical practices. Chinese medicine was healing all kinds of difficult ailments long before the modern scientific method was instituted by universities, theorists and inventors. In the spirit of modern science, doctors used herbs and treatments that were proven through repeated use. Today we call this the process of deduction as employed by detectives.
Just like today, their level of technology limited their understanding of the world. Through experience and intuition, Chinese doctors successfully identified and treated the same kinds of illnesses we’re still dealing with today.
What is “chi”?
The concept of qi (chi) that underlies the discipline of acupuncture forms the basis of many influences on the body, from energy to rhythm to chemical reactions and more. Because the body is intricately woven and interconnected, what affects one part can affect another. By stimulating points around the body, acupuncture unlocks the body’s own ability to heal itself, allowing qi to fuel our inner and outer healing.
Over the millennia many different approaches have risen to prominence in the field. We’ll discuss four types that are applied using our clinical acupuncture software called AcuGraph. These include:
- Yuan (Source) Point
- Jing-well
- Ryodoraku
- Single Point
AcuGraph and Acupuncture
AcuGraph is a software that helps a practitioner become extremely precise in their placement of a needle. Taking into consideration what they want to accomplish, AcuGraph will identify the locations that are connected to a particular point. This is great for clients who want to understand acupuncture’s effect from an informed, scientific perspective. If you’re interested in seeing an example of how AcuGraph works, click here.
As Dr. Ashley Hoyt introduces these different approaches to acupuncture, let it stimulate your thoughts and open your mind to the possibilities.
Book a free private consultation with Dr. Ashley Hoyt today if you would like more information on how acupuncture can help you achieve your health and wellness goals.