Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine have been a primary form of health care for over 3000 years. It is a vast form of medicine that is able to treat a huge array of symptoms, illnesses, and imbalances. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and World Health Organization (WHO) endorse acupuncture as a successful form of treatment of a list of hundreds of conditions and that list continues to grow.
Women’s Health is one broad category that Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine has been successfully treating for thousands of years. The Yellow Emperor, a Chinese Medical Guide, printed in 200 BC explains the female anatomy. Physiology, diagnosis and the treatment of menstrual symptoms and pregnancy-related illnesses were included in this guide. The ancient royal Chinese physicians had specialists in OB/GYN within the palace to take care of the women to ensure the conception of the emperor’s successor.
From Menstruation to Menopause
Irregular periods suggest an internal disharmony, especially if persistent. This disharmony can be from an imbalance in the flow of Qi, or energy, in different organ systems. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can address many symptoms associated with the hormone cycles including amenorrhea or absence of regular menstruation, painful periods, bloating, PMS, back pain, depression, headaches and infertility. For example, if the energy in the liver becomes stagnant and the liver is not moving blood efficiently, pain, bloating and inflammations can occur. Dietary recommendations are often a part of the treatment plan as well as herbal supplements and life style review.
Acupuncture can also address hot flashes, night sweats and other menopausal symptoms. According to the patterns of each woman’s symptoms, the Acupuncture Physician would balance or tonify different organ systems such as the Spleen or Kidney to heal the disorder. For insomnia, Chinese Medicine generally dictates that the heart be treated.
Treating infertility with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine dates back over 2000 years. These techniques unlock unlimited potential for health, healing, and child bearing. Studies from Weil Cornell Medical Centers in New York show that acupuncture works to
- Increase blood flow to the uterus, improving the chance of the ovum implanting to the uterine wall.
- Reduce anxiety and stress. Hormones secreted during stress decreases the chance of fertility.
- Normalize hormone and endocrine systems that regulate ovulation.
In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
In-vitro fertilization is sometimes needed to attain a successful pregnancy. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine have been used extensively to support the mother during this process. Studies reported by the American Pregnancy Association show that IVF in conjunction with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine have higher success rates of fertilizations and full term pregnancies.
The first step is getting pregnant, and the next step is carrying to full term. The body uses an amazing amount of energy to create human life. Keeping the mother in excellent health means a more successful childbirth without complications such as morning sickness, back pain, edema, fatigue, digestive disorders, breech fetus positions, or in the worst-case scenario, miscarriage.
Depression can affect as many as 25% of women and can be a common disorder associated with hormonal changes due to pregnancy, infertility treatments and menopausal stages. It can compromise the body’s immune system, reduce functioning and impair work and home relationships. As a holistic approach to health, Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture do not separate the body, mind and spirit. Depression is an imbalance in the body just as a pain syndrome or other illness is an imbalance. The water molecule is a good analogy: whether it is ice, water, or steam, the molecule is still H2O.
Anyone seeking better health can benefit from Chinese Medicine because it is a holistic approach to healing and wellness. By revitalizing the body’s natural healing capability, the body can heal on its own. The body has an incredible healing power and working within those natural laws has made this form of medicine last for 1000’s of years. It continues to grow in modern times and provides effective treatment options for a wide variety of conditions.
Dr. Ashley Hoyt, A.P.
Clinic of Alternative
3420 Duck Ave , Key West , FL 33040