Identifying Source Points and Their Benefits
In Dr. Ashley Hoyt’s previous blog, we presented an introduction to acupuncture that creates the basis for its usefulness as a treatment.
Today we talk about Yuan source point acupuncture, a type of treatment that relies on references to Yuan Qi (chi), yin and yang organs, connecting points and meridians. Let’s get into how they affect health and wellness.
What is Yuan Qi and why does it matter?
Yuan Qi is essentially the energy of your body and the flow it sustains. Yuan source points are like springs at the beginning of a river — that’s where the flow originates. The body is healthy and operates at peak efficiency when Yuan source points are open and flowing. When Yuan source points are blocked then the flow of Yuan Qi is disrupted. The physical and emotional effects are decided in the affected area of the body.
Discover the Yin and Yang Organs
Yuan source points are related to specific Yin and Yang Organs. Yin Organs include the Heart, Lung, Spleen, Kidney and Liver. These organs can be influenced by acupuncture of Yin Yuan points allowing them to improve function. Yang Organs include the Large Intestine, Stomach, Small Intestine, Urinary Bladder, Gall Bladder and the Triple Heater. Similarly, by accessing the Yang Yuan points we cause them to release pathogens and other bad inputs.
Connecting Points and Meridians
Connecting Points are located along Meridians in the body, or lines that run between source points. Think of Meridians as power lines that connect different power plants (source points), and Connecting Points as neighborhoods where the power lines meet. If a Source Point is negatively influenced then that puts stress on the power network. However, the problem may not be located at the Source. It might be somewhere else along the lines. By accessing Connecting Points we can begin to alleviate issues in other parts of the body. For example, we can alleviate sadness by finding the right Connecting Point along the Lung’s Meridian. The effects are very precise.
Book a free private consultation with Dr. Ashley Hoyt today to learn more about how source point diagnosis and treatment can benefit you.